I’ve been working with the msp430 for several weeks now. While getting acquainted with it, i was struggling to get the timers and interrupts working alongside eachother. I finally discovered the issue I was having was that that on timer1A and timer0A i had enabled CCIE for both CCR0 and CCR1. That means i enabled the capture compare interrupt on each timer at two points. It cause the program to freeze because i never defined the ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) for most of those points. It took me so long to finally realize that was the problem.
I now have it enabled only for Timer1A overflow, which is perfect because it is set to one second. This makes it really easy now to measure real time things to the nearest second.
By combining this with the PWM circuit from Timer0A i can create an alarm clock that will wait till morning then slowly light up and array of Warm LEDs.